HB Ep. 60: The Group Chat

Youngmi introduces the duo she texts daily and talks about the origins and importance of the almighty group chat

This week, Youngmi brings on her chaotic daily group chat members: Alex Pemoulie and John deBary. They discuss the modern phenomenon of the group chat and why they think it plays such a huge role in the daily lives of everyone today. They talk about the origins of the rise of the popularity of the medium stemming from older forms of communication from Y2K chat interfaces like AIM, to ancient rituals of tribal gossip. John also talks about the sadness of turning 40 and Alex talks about talking shit!

Hosted by Youngmi Mayer

Youngmi Mayer is a standup comedian and single mom based in New York City. She explores topics of Asian identity, biracial identity, feminism and growing up poor in her work.