HB with Youngmi Mayer
It'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry, it may make hair grow out of your butt
Listen for the most Korean, most laugh-while-crying story in the history of the podcast
Youngmi's son joins the podcast to discuss his feelings and grief after losing their cat Donggo
A conversation about storytelling, hard luck, and what success in New York really looks like
Youngmi talks to author Mary H.K. Choi about when love and hate are the same thing
What's it like to be with a people pleaser?
Youngmi and her neighbor bond over breakups
How do you parent a grieving child?
Youngmi speaks with mixologist John deBary about being diagnosed with autism as an adult
Youngmi and comedian Kate Moran talk adoption, imaginary mothers, and the indelible Ms. Cho
Youngmi chats with the writer/comedian on her mixed race background and the state of stand-up
Words by Youngmi Mayer
Youngmi Mayer is a standup comedian and single mom based in New York City. She explores topics of Asian identity, biracial identity, feminism and growing up poor in her work.