The number "2025" glowing in front of a starry night sky.

Astrology with Alice: 2025 is going to be a wild astrological ride

Our resident astrologer shows us what the stars predict about the new year

What big changes can we expect in 2025?

Illustration by Ryan Quan

Words by Alice Smith

Astrology with Alice: Welcome to Astrology with Alice, a monthly astrology column aimed at helping readers understand the vibes of the month ahead in plain English. As a Taiwanese immigrant who grew up in Los Angeles, I specialize in combining western astrology with eastern philosophy. I’ve taught modern astrology through the lens of Buddhism and Taoism, and I also draw from the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. Knowing the movements of the planets can help us make decisions around our careers, relationships, family. As the planets move around in the sky, they shift the energetic vibes we experience on Earth, and I believe in flowing with energy instead of fighting it—to work smarter, not harder. So join me on our monthly planetary lowdowns and learn how you, too, can ride the cosmic waves!

The cosmos are flipping some big astrological switches in 2025. Multiple planets are moving into different signs, and these sign changes are actually part of a bigger energy shift. Since 2021, we’ve been closing the book of an old era, and 2025 is the year we’re cracking open a new book that’ll set the tone for centuries to come.

The thing you need to know before we start is the rule that planets represent energy. And since all signs belong to one of four elements—fire, earth, air, and water—when planets move into new signs, they’re adopting the energetic signature of another element altogether, which completely changes the nature of a planet’s inherent energy. And when lots of planets—especially the slow-moving outer planets—change signs, they result in big changes in the values, perceptions, and motivations behind everything, from culture, to health, to politics. 

And, woof, a lot of big planets are changing. This upcoming year is basically one ginormous shift in everything, from centuries-long trends to decades-long patterns. Even the yearly stuff is changing! And it’s all coalescing around this year. So let’s start with the big things.

The end of the earth era (the element, not the planet) 

Nerdy astrologers know that about every 20 years, the planets Jupiter and Saturn join together in the sky in what we call a conjunction—meaning they look like they’re lining up with each other from our view here on Earth. (Over the last century, it’s happened during years that end with the number one. So if you were born in 1991, for example, you were born under this aspect.) Now, the super nerdy astrologers also know that these “great conjunctions” have consistently occurred in earth signs since 1842. The signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are earth signs, and the conjunctions have happened in those signs reliably…until now.

You can see the signatures of earth energy in the rise of capitalism, which assesses worth by how much money something can earn. I’m not saying that earth energy is limited to capitalism, but capitalism is absolutely the product of seeing things through the earth lens.

The last great conjunction in 2021 happened in the air sign Aquarius, and from here on out, they’re going to be in air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) until 2199, so we are truly getting to see the beginning of a new era. In astrology, the earth element represents pragmatism, practicality, the ability to manifest resources and wealth. It’s an energy concerned with the material world that values what we can see and touch. If something’s not tangible or useful in a practical way, then earth energy isn’t interested in it. You can see the signatures of earth energy in the rise of capitalism, which assesses worth by how much money something can earn. I’m not saying that earth energy is limited to capitalism, but capitalism is absolutely the product of seeing things through the earth lens.

Now, we’re shifting to air energy. The last time people got to experience great conjunctions in signs other than earth was during the 1800s (when the fire era ended), and the next time will be the early 2200s (when the water era begins), so this isn’t just something that defines a decade or a lifetime—this defines an era. 

So what will the air era bring? The broad answer is that the focus will shift towards learning, science, and equality, which the world did experience the last time this happened. The last air era lasted from about 1186-1385, and during that age, the world saw:

  1. The issuance of the Magna Carta, which significantly curbed the powers of a king. 
  2. The establishment of the University of Paris, one of the first major European universities, with financial support from Louis IV to educate poor theology scholars. 
  3. The Chinese developed early rockets and cannons.
  4. The Black Plague, which aligns with my observation that viruses spread more rapidly when there is a lot of strong energy in air signs. Interestingly, the years of the plague also aligned with the decade that Neptune was in Aquarius, which is an air sign. (But don’t worry, air energy also can bring medical innovations, as the world saw in 1796 when Edward Jenner invented the first vaccine while Pluto was in Aquarius.)

In the last couple of centuries, we saw wealth in land and resources. Now, we’re moving into an age in which we’re going to see wealth in ideas. 

But wait, there’s more.

A decade of fire and air

The outer planets are all moving into air or fire signs. Pluto entered Aquarius in 2024, and will stay there until 2043. This upcoming year, Uranus will wrap up its seven-year stay in Taurus and enter Gemini in July, and will be there until 2033. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius while Uranus was also in Gemini was during the 1770s, which is noteworthy because:

  1. This time period marked the early Industrial Revolution, when major advancements developed in transportation and communication. This means that the world is going to get super techie. Keep an eye on AI, space exploration, and major innovations in how we share information and move around. So if you’re an elder Millennial like me and you’re starting to get annoyed with technology, you need to get over it and keep up, because we will get left in the dust fast. Tapping our credit cards at the checkout and text messages may be a thing of the past sooner than you think. 
  2. The American Revolution and French Revolution also happened during the 1770s. The old Capricorn values around hierarchy were torn down and replaced with democracy, which really suits Aquarius’ egalitarian values. I don’t know how our revolutionary spirit will manifest this time, but we can certainly count on people once again having very little tolerance for the power abuses of the one percent…and doing something about it. 

The reason I feel confident that the masses will be more inclined to act against inequity is because Saturn and Neptune are moving into Aries, the feistiest of the fire signs. Aries energy is compelled to initiate action. Pop culture tends to paint Aries in broad, obnoxious strokes, but I see Aries in the seedlings that sprout and shoot out of the earth during early spring. (Aries season, in fact, marks the beginning of spring.) The desire to grow and be born into the big and scary world, despite being small and vulnerable, is the true spirit of Aries energy. Aries sees a possibility and goes for it. Aries, in a nutshell, sports major chihuahua energy, so I just don’t see people taking abuse quietly.

Unfortunately, there’s a dark side to this as well because Uranus in Gemini has also aligned with major conflicts in the past, namely the American Revolution, the Civil War, and World War II. The sad truth is that technological breakthroughs do happen during times of war. And with Pluto also in Aquarius, which brings both revolution and technological advancements, both signs do point towards more hacking, drones, and bio-weapon use in conflicts. 

So what can we, as the little guys, do about all these big changes in the world? Here are my recommendations:

  1. Practice mental hygiene and do media detoxes. If you think that information moves quickly now, it’s just going to get more intense. Our biology really hasn’t changed much since our caveman days, so our brain wasn’t built for a 24/7 news cycle. To avoid information overload, curate what goes into your headspace much like you curate what’s safe and healthy to eat. And just like how you clean yourself when you get dirty, step away from the media when you need to clean your headspace. Remember: You’re safer than the news might suggest.
  2. Invest in your technological literacy. If you expect to live another 20 years or more, keep up with the new tech. You don’t have to embrace everything that comes out, but at least maintain a working level of competency. 
  3. If you’re frustrated with politics, get involved with your community on the local level. Instead of getting mad at people you don’t know in D.C., channel your fighting spirit into grassroots organizations, local politics, or local charities. A lot of the energy in the air is revolutionary, yes, but Saturn in Aries demands that the things we fight for actually yield a result and do some tangible good.

Be willing to learn and indulge your curiosity! Air energy is all about expanding the mind and connecting with ideas—even the ones you might not agree with initially. 

The signs most affected in 2025

We’re starting with Mars still in retrograde and the first eclipse season of 2025 will straddle March and April, so the beginning of the year is not stable. I’m not a fan of being a slave to astrology, but I wouldn’t recommend starting big things like businesses until after April.

People born at the end of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are going to feel the constraining effects of Saturn at some point during the year, so when the going gets tough, respond with grit rather than risk. And give yourself permission to ask for help when you’re overwhelmed.

Meanwhile, people who were born at the beginning of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are going to feel Neptune and Saturn moving into Aries. This isn’t a quick thing—the effects of this will be felt through 2026. I’ll go into detail about this in future articles because it warrants a deeper dive, but for now, just know that you’ll need to reevaluate your dreams and aspirations.

Last December, Pluto entered Aquarius (until 2043). But since it moves so ridiculously slowly, the folks born at the beginning of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius will continue the process of metamorphosis brought on by Pluto. My advice to anybody going through Pluto transits is to not cling to anything that’s outdated and doesn’t benefit you anymore. You are the caterpillar turning into the butterfly, and butterflies don’t need their old cocoons once they’re done with them.

And congratulations to my water signs! If you were born during the first two weeks of Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, lucky Jupiter will be blessing you with opportunities once it enters Cancer in June. (If you were born in the last half of those signs, you’ll get to enjoy Jupiter next year.)

Published on December 30, 2024

Words by Alice Smith

Alice Smith has loved astrology ever since she read her first horoscope as a kid. She’s a certified, professional astrologer who reads birth charts for clients all over the world and has spoken at events throughout the Pacific Northwest. Alice learned to write horoscopes from her mentor Rebecca Gordon who was herself mentored by the grande dame of horoscope writing, Susan Miller. Alice has a degree in sociology from the University of Washington and is (too) obsessed with her “Furgo” (furry Virgo) cat, whose birth chart she often interprets on social media.